Don’t Replace It.
Raise It.

As a property owner, you devote time, money and resources to the general upkeep and maintenance of your investment. If you’re experiencing issues with concrete settling on your property, Atlas Concrete Lifting can help. By injecting a specially formulated, eco-friendly polyurethane foam under the concrete surface, we can raise the surface to its optimal position, helping you avoid costly concrete replacement.

Atlas Concrete Lifting trailer on driveway in a residential community

That Sinking Feeling

Fix concrete settling issues before they become a costly liability.

Fixing concrete settling issues before they become a major problem can help you avoid safety and liability issues caused by tripping hazards; maintain the appearance and value of your property; prevent structural or water damage to your home, garage or other buildings; and avoid costly concrete replacement.

There are many reasons why concrete settles, including poor soil conditions, poor compaction of the underlying materials prior to concrete installation, loss of moisture and volume in the underlying soil due to tree roots, and poor drainage that causes soil instability.

Look for the Signs

Concrete settling most often occurs over an extended period of time, but it can also come about quickly as the result of excessive moisture from rainfall or flooding combined with poor drainage. Look for these signs that concrete settling has occurred:

Cracked concrete floor


One or multiple cracks in concrete slabs or foundations are an indication that the material beneath the concrete has subsided.

Pooling of water on concrete patio blocks


Have you noticed pooling of water on a patio or pool deck? It’s a sign that the concrete has settled in that area.

Concrete pad shifted with respect to the adjacent foundation results in a gap between the wall and the concrete pad.


Separation between two surfaces, such as a gap appearing between a deck slab and an adjacent foundation, are a further indication that the material beneath the concrete has subsided.

Cost-Effective Solution

Addressing concrete-settling problems quickly can save you the cost of completely replacing the concrete.

Our cost-effective polyurethane foam injection system raises, supports, and stabilizes settled driveways, uneven sidewalks / walkways, and sinking concrete garage floors, patios, and slabs. It helps to address grade problems and tripping hazards around your home or commercial property. You can have a leveled and useable concrete surface in just hours, and your newly raised surface is ready to use immediately.

Concrete foam injection

Advantages of Polyurethane Foam

Polyurethane foam injection is a cost-effective alternative to traditional mudjacking for lifting concrete surfaces.

Here are some of the benefits of polyurethane foam injection:

Less Weight

The sand-based slurry used in mudjacking weighs 100 lbs per cubic foot on average, compared to only 2 lbs per cubic foot for polyurethane foam. Polyurethane foam will never lose density.

Less Patching

Concrete lifting requires a series of holes to be drilled in the concrete surface. Compared to mudjacking, which requires 1-5/8” holes, polyurethane foam injection requires only 5/8” holes, and fewer of them. That means less patchwork.

Less Disruptive

Mudjacking requires a washdown of the concrete after the process is completed. That’s not the case with polyurethane foam injection. No heavy equipment is used that could damage your lawn or driveway.

Ready to Use

The polyurethane foam cures quickly, so no waiting is required. The newly-raised concrete surface can be used immediately. You can drive, walk, or play on it the same day.